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Guidelines for Research Article Review Chart

       Reference                      Purpose                Research Questions                 Participants                    Methods                     Data Analysis               Limitations/                    Results/                    Implications
                                                                                                                                                                                        Reliability/                    Findings
Lee, K. (2009).              The study sought to           - The incorporation of        56 New Zealand year 7-8       The instructors were           The focus of the data was   None discussed               - Responses made within       Many college professors
Technology lecturer          investigate the integration   technology into the           (11-12 year old) students,    given an initial               the quality of response,                                 the first few months were     in the department of
turned technology            of technology education       weekly schedule.              6 lecturers from a nearby     questionnaire and follow       not the quantity of                                      more negative than the        education are former
teacher. International       into the students’ weekly     - The influence this          college.                      up interviews to obtain        responses.                                               initial comments at the       teachers; however, it may
journal of teaching and      schedule. The study           immersion has on the                                        viewpoints of the                                                                       start of the investigation.   be helpful to have them
learning in higher           focused on the instructors    instructors.                                                successes of the                                                                                                      shadow teachers for a
education, 20(2), 79-90.     and their views of the                                                                    integration courses.                                                                    - After the first few         while before they take on
Retrieved from ERIC          effectiveness of the                                                                                                                                                              months, positive              classes of their own again.
database.                    technology classes.                                                                                                                                                               comments became more          This allows for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               prevalent.                    professors to get “back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             into the swing of things”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and evaluate the problems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             within the classroom that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             they are prone to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             While implementing an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             instructor to teacher role,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             it’s important that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             professors have an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             opportunity for support.

Gray, L., Thomas, N., and    This study sought to find     The following topics were     NCES identified 2,005         A national survey,             The statements of           “Adjustments for multiple    The researchers provided      Many differences were
Lewis, L. (2010).            out how many teachers         addressed within the          public elementary and         conducted by the National      comparisons made were       comparisons were not         the following findings        found between low and
Teachers’ use of             are using technology in       surveys:                      secondary schools in the      Center for Education           tested for statistical      included in the data.” The   (among others):               high income schools in
educational technology in    their classrooms on a         - Computers within the        50 states and the District    Statistics (NCES), was         significance at the 0.5     researchers also did not     - 97% of teachers had at      regards to the answers
U.S. public schools: 2009.   regular basis and what        classroom and those           of Columbia. These            used at the individual,        level using t-statistics.   examine the relationships    least one computer in the     given. Therefore, the data
National center for          types of technology are       available through mobile      schools were asked to         school, and district levels.                               between variables and        classroom; 57% of             supports that there are
education statistics,        available to teachers in      labs.                         send sample lists of full-                                                               how this might affect the    teachers could bring          differences in terms of
institute of education       their schools.                - Internet access for these   time teachers. Of these       The study focused on the                                   data.”                       computers into the            technological
sciences, U.S. department                                  computers.                    teachers, a sample group      use of technology in the                                                                classroom.                    opportunities within low
of education. Washington,                                  - Availability and use of     was selected and              Spring/Winter 2009.                                                                     - Internet access was         and high income schools.
DC. Retrieved from ERIC                                    technology during             questionnaires were sent                                                                                              available for 93% of the
database.                                                  instructional time.           to 4,133 teachers.            The data was collected                                                                  computers in the              There were no
                                                           - Availability and                                          and analyzed using the                                                                  classroom on a daily          suggestions given in
                                                           frequency of use of                                         Fast Response Survey                                                                    basis; 96% of the             terms of future research.
                                                           systems/programs on the                                     System used by the                                                                      computers that could be
                                                           school/district network.                                    NCES.                                                                                   brought into the
                                                           - Availability of remote                                                                                                                            classroom had access to
                                                           access for school/district                                                                                                                          the internet.
                                                           programs.                                                                                                                                           - Computers were used in
                                                           - Types of software and                                                                                                                             the classroom during
                                                           internet sites used in the                                                                                                                          instructional time: often
                                                           classroom for preparation,                                                                                                                          (40%), sometimes (29%).
                                                           instruction, and                                                                                                                                    - These technologies were
                                                           administrative work.                                                                                                                                used often: LCD/DLP
                                                           - The frequency of                                                                                                                                  projectors (72%);
                                                           student use of technology                                                                                                                           interactive whiteboard
                                                           during class.                                                                                                                                       (57%), digital camera
                                                           - Modes of technology                                                                                                                               (49%).
                                                           used by teachers for                                                                                                                                - 97% of teachers had
                                                           communication with                                                                                                                                  remote access to email,
                                                           parents.                                                                                                                                            and 85% of these teachers
- Amount and types of                                                                                                                                 used the email often or
                                                             training to use technology                                                                                                                            sometimes.
Brunvand, S., Duran, M,       The purpose of this study      - The impact of a cohort     The three-year project        The data was a mixture of       The pre/post test data was   One limitation identified     The study found that,         Since pre-service teachers
& Fossum, P. (2009).          was to investigate “the        on “technology literacy      followed 17 student           qualitative and                 analyzed using a paired-     is the small number of        through the cohort            are required to take a
Preparing science             impact of a professional       and technology               teachers, 17cooperating       quantitative findings – pre     samples t-test.              participants. The             programs, the confidence      technology integration
teachers to teach with        development program            integration among student    teachers, 5 university        and post surveys were                                        researchers state that this   and competence in             course, it’s important that
technology: Exploring a       where K-16 networked           teachers, cooperating        faculty, and 3 student        used along with journal         The qualitative data was     program (42 participants)     integrating technology        these students are learning
K-16 networked learning       learning community             teachers, education and      teaching supervisors.         entries, portfolios, and        measured by separating it    would be “characteristic      increased.                    how to properly integrate
community approach. The       approach was                   content faculty, and                                       observations.                   as: reading, describing,     of what might be                                            technology into the
Turkish online journal of     implemented to provide         student teaching                                                                           classifying                  considered a pilot for a      There were no significant     classroom in a realistic
educational technology,       training and support for       supervisors in a science                                                                                                more extensive study.”        increases in the              setting.
8(4), 21-42. Retrieved        technology integration in      education program,”                                                                                                     Another limitation is that    familiarity and use of
from ERIC database.           science education.”            - The patterns in                                                                                                       the study focuses on          “ordinary” computer
                                                             “technology integrated                                                                                                  volunteers who all have       functions.
                                                             projects designed by the                                                                                                an interest in using
                                                             project participants.”                                                                                                  technology in science.
                                                             - The types of                                                                                                          This is described as
                                                             “professional                                                                                                           something that “may not
                                                             development activities                                                                                                  be representative of
                                                             [that] promote and/or                                                                                                   science educators in
                                                             influence participating                                                                                                 general.”
                                                             science educators’                                                                                                      Finally, the data had too
                                                             professional development                                                                                                few in each subgroup to
                                                             on technology integration                                                                                               be analyzed by
                                                             in the classroom.”                                                                                                      subgroups.
Bebell, D. & Kay, R.          A program was piloted          The study focused on:        Five public and private       After completion of the         Factor analysis was          An identified limitation is   For the schools in the        In addition to the
(2010). One to one            that provides a 1:1 ratio of   - The trends in schools’     middle schools in             pilot study, the students’      applied across the student   the use of the MCAS as a      pilot program, teachers       students’ increase in
computing: A Summary          technology to student          overall performance on       Massachusetts were            MCAS scores were                survey items.                measurement tool. The         and students reported an      motivation, etc, the
of the quantitative results   across five public and         the Massachusetts            selected for participation.   compared to those in the                                     researchers utilized a        increase in use of            teachers also experienced
from the berkshire            private middle schools in      standardized test (MCAS)     Two schools were              comparison schools.                                          computer writing survey       technology. This led to an
wireless learning             Massachusetts. The study       as “compared to              selected as comparison                                                                     as an alternative             increase in student           a change in their teaching
initiative. Journal of        focused on how teaching        comparison schools and       schools.                      In addition to this                                          measurement.                  motivation and                styles and strategies used
technology,                   and learning is affected       state trends.”                                             quantitative data,                                                                         engagement.                   within the classroom. As
learning, and assessment,     when students and              - The components of the      The study does not            qualitative data was                                                                                                     more technology is
9(2). Retrieved from          teachers are provided with     students’ technology uses    specify how the schools       collected in the form of                                                                                                 integrated into the
ERIC database.                laptops and wireless           in school or at home that    were selected.                teacher surveys, teacher                                                                                                 classrooms, it is important
                              internet.                      are related to the                                         interviews, student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that teachers evaluate
                                                             performance on the                                         surveys, student
                                                             MCAS.                                                      drawings, and classroom                                                                                                  their methods of teaching.
Shapley, K.S., Sheehan,       A program was piloted in       - The implementation         Middle schools in Texas       Teachers and students           5-point scales were used     Not discussed                 The average level of          One of the largest waves
D., Maloney, C., &            which each student at          level of the Technology      applied to become a Total     were surveyed at the end        for the student and                                        support for Technology        across the USA is the use
Caranikas-Walker, F.          high-need middle schools       Immersion program.           Immersion school. In          of each school year over        teacher surveys.                                           Immersion and teachers’       of technology in the
(2010). Evaluating            was provided with a            - The correlation between    applying, they had to         the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year of                                                              Classroom Immersion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 classroom as a strategy
the implementation            laptop and appropriate         strength of                  meet certain criteria in      implementation.                 Measures of internal                                       increased slightly, but the
fidelity of technology        wireless internet              implementation and the       order to receive the                                          consistency were used, as                                  level of Student Access       for teaching and learning.
immersion and its             technologies. The study        students’ reading and        federal funding – low         TAKS scores were used           well as Alpha scale                                        and Use declined slightly.    Various technological
relationship with             focused on the teaching        math test scores (TAKS).     income, schools identified    to assess knowledge.            reliabilities.                                             Teacher level                 companies – Apple, Dell,
student achievement.          and student achievement                                     as needs improvement,                                                                                                    implementation                etc. – have created
Journal of technology,        and learning.                                               and needs for technology.                                                                                                components were               programs attempting to
learning, and assessment,                                                                 Final selection took                                                                                                     inconsistent.                 tap into this niche in the
9(4). Retrieved from                                                                      several factors into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 classroom. This study
ERIC database.                                                                            consideration – rating of
                                                                                          their proposal, size,                                                                                                                                  shows that merely
                                                                                          location, diversity, and                                                                                                                               implementing technology
                                                                                          academic achievement. In                                                                                                                               does not equate to higher
                                                                                          addition, the need for a                                                                                                                               test scores and positive
                                                                                          variety of geographical
locations within the state                                                                                                                       results.
                                                                                         and the availability of
                                                                                         comparable schools
                                                                                         played into the selection.

                                                                                         21 middle schools from
                                                                                         across Texas were
                                                                                         chosen. There was a
                                                                                         variety of rural, urban,
                                                                                         and suburban within this
                                                                                         group of schools. 2/3 of
                                                                                         the schools were in small
                                                                                         or very small districts
                                                                                         (2,999 or less students),
                                                                                         while 1/3 of the schools
                                                                                         were in large districts
                                                                                         (more than 10,000
Means, B. (2010).           This study sought             - Classroom-level and          The article states that      Classroom observations        The information gained     Not discussed.              There was a relationship       An implication discussed
Technology and              correlations between          school-level practices that    schools which had            were used – both in           through the observations                               between student gains and      in the study was the fact
education change: Focus     reading/math software in      are associated with higher     implemented reading and      utilization of the software   and interviews were                                    when they began utilizing      that teachers “should be
on student learning.        the classroom with            achievement gains in           math software were           and with the teacher          coded.                                                 the software. When the         urged to capitalize on the
Journal of research on      student learning gains.       classrooms using reading       targeted. The specific       providing instruction.                                                               use of software was            assessment data that
technology in education,                                  or math software.              schools and methods for                                                                                           started earlier in the year,   instructional software
42(3), 285-307. Retrieved                                                                selecting those schools      Phone-interviews were                                                                the students saw more          makes available.”
from ERIC database.                                                                      were not discussed.          conducted.                                                                           gains.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Additionally, training and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          support cannot neglect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          classroom management.

Suhr, K.A., Hernandez,      The study seeks to            - The difference in total      This study took place in a   CST scores as third grade     CST scores were analyzed   The variables among the     There was a high level of      There was a positive
D.A., Grimes, D., &         determine whether or not      ELA score on the               suburban school system in    students and again as fifth   using: ANOVA,              students – SES, parents,    engagement among the           effect in the use of the
Warschauer, M. (2010).      a program in which each       California Standards Test      southern California with     grade students.               MANOVA, and multiple       etc. Since SES              students in the laptop         laptop, but not after the
Laptops and fourth-grade    student has a laptop          (CST) in a student from        around 14,000 K-8                                          regressions                information was not         classrooms.                    first year. Given a new
literacy: Assisting the     computer leads to gains       third to fifth grades          students.                    Teacher and student                                      provided, the students’
jump over the fourth-       indicative of the high cost   between laptop and non-                                     surveys, teacher                                         SES was estimated based     The non-laptop group           technology, it is important
grade slump. Journal of     of implementation.            laptop groups.                 Two elementary schools       interviews, classroom                                    on the education level of   experienced a slump in         to give the program time
technology, learning, and                                 - The difference in subtest    were selected for the        observations, and teacher                                the parents.                their fifth grade scores.      to work – account for
assessment, 9(5),                                         scores.                        laptop program.              and student artifacts.                                                                                              learning curves, etc.
Retrieved from ERIC                                       - Participation in the
database.                                                 laptop program as a
                                                          predictor in student
Weston, M. & Bain, A.       This study seeks to           - The type of classroom        This study reviews other     Analysis of data and          Not relevant to this       Not discussed.              The belief that                These types of programs
(2010). The end of          analyze the multitude of      that needs to exist in order   studies done with 1:1        reviews of 1:1 laptop         discussion.                                            “educationally beneficial      should not be seen as “fix
techno-critique: The        studies focusing on 1:1       for 1:1 laptop initiatives     initiatives.                 initiative programs                                                                  uses of computers will         alls” because they’re new.
naked truth about 1:1       laptop initiatives and the    to be successful.                                           nationwide.                                                                          emerge spontaneously
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Merely incorporating
laptop initiatives and      criticisms about the                                                                                                                                                           from … laptop
educational change.         programs.                                                                                                                                                                      computers” is flawed.          laptops into the classroom
Journal of technology,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    does not equate higher
learning, and assessment,                                                                                                                                                                                                                 test scores, more than any
9(6). Retrieved from                                                                                                                                                                                                                      other new strategy does. It
ERIC database.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            is important that, along
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with the new strategy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          proper implementation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and teaching is being

Admiraal, W., Dam, G.,       The study analyzes           - The relationship            81 9th grade students (ages   2 observations in each       The researches coded the     Small number of                Both genders expressed        Integration of technology
& Heemskerk, I. (2009)       whether “learning            between using                 14-15) in four schools.       class.                       design of the tools.         participants.                  positive feedback in          is important for both male
Gender inclusiveness in      supported by computers”      educational tools in the      The schools are in two                                                                                                 regards to the benefits of    and female students. The
educational technology       is equally beneficial to     classroom and different       large cities and a small      Interviews of teacher-       Transcriptions of            May not be representative      technology usage in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             performance of girls when
and learning experiences     both genders.                learning experiences of       town in the Netherlands.      selected students (2 girls   interviews into verbal       of all students based on       classroom, although they
of girls and boys. Journal                                boys and girls.                                             and 2 boys in each class).   protocols and analysis of    the fact that they are at      targeted different aspects.   using the technology
of research on technology                                                               Schools were selected                                      the interviews using code-   schools which already use                                    seemed to really increase
in education, 41(3),                                                                    because of their excellent                                 and-retrieve software.       technology.                                                  when their interests were
253-276. Retrieved from                                                                 use of technology in the                                                                                                                             targeted.
ERIC database.                                                                          classroom.
Adeeb, M. & Hussain, I.      The study examines           - The role of mobile          83 PhD scholars and 10        Surveys (Likert scales)      Data collected was           Though none were               The findings supported        With the use of mobile
(2009). Role of mobile       whether or not having        technology in higher          faculty members of the        administered of both         analyzed through             discussed, the PhD             that mobile technology is     technologies being
technology in promoting      mobile technology            education.                    Department of Education       students and faculty         applying the mean scores.    students may not be            appropriate for research      prevalent among students
campus-wide learning         opportunities creates a      - The current ways that       at International Islamic      members.                                                  representative of all          and education throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and faculty members, it
environment. The turkish     campus-wide learning         mobile technology is          University, Islamabad`                                                                  students at the university.    campus.
online journal of            environment.                 used.                                                                                                                                                                              only makes sense that
educational technology,                                   - Students’ problems with                                                                                                                            It also was found to          these types of technology
8(3), 48-56. Retrieved                                    using mobile technology.                                                                                                                             promote effective             should also be used in an
from ERIC database.                                       - Appropriate use of                                                                                                                                 interaction among faculty     educational setting.
                                                          mobile technology in                                                                                                                                 and students.
                                                          higher education
Karaman, S. & Celik, S.      The study is investigating   - The gains of prospective    29 of the 32 prospective      Qualitative data gathered    The data was broken          None discussed.                The findings indicated        Rather than merely
(2007). An exploratory       perceptions about a          teachers who participated     computer teachers             through surveys              down and categorized                                        that the students felt that   learning the skills needed
study on the perspectives    course that was taught       in the PBL course.            enrolled in a specific                                     before being analyzed.                                      they were more engaged        in order to do technical
of prospective computer      utilizing a project-based    - The challenges              computer course during                                                                                                 in the learning and           computer work, this type
teachers following           learning (PBL) approach.     experienced.                  the 2004-2005 school                                       A double blind analysis                                     developed lifelong skills
project-based learning.                                   - The suggestions from        year at Ataturk University                                 was performed.                                              that they would take with     of learning allows for
Springer science +                                        the students to overcome      in Turkey.                                                                                                             them from the classroom.      more engaged and deeper
business media. Retrieved                                 any challenges                                                                                                                                                                     learning by the students.
from ERIC database.
Shriner, M., Clark, D.,      The study hoped to           - The reasons that social     Students (teachers) in a      Qualitative data gathered    Data was subjected to        None discussed.                The data collected            The technological
Nail. M., & Schlee, B.,      determine how teachers’      studies teachers seem to      summer teacher academy        through pre- and post-       paired t-test analyses.                                     through the research          experiences of teachers
Libler, R. (2010). Social    perceptions of and self-     be shying away from           in Indiana. The               workshop surveys.                                                                        conducted supported the       during the workshops
studies instruction:         esteem about the use of      technology more than          workshops were open to                                                                                                 use of the workshops as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             directly corresponded to
Changing teacher             content-specific             teachers of other contents.   teachers of all grades and                                                                                             way of instructing
confidence in classroom      technology were affected                                   content areas.                                                                                                         teachers on how to            their classrooms. They
enhanced technology. The     through the completion of                                                                                                                                                         integrate technology into     were able to implement
Social Studies, 101,         three technology                                           All of the participants                                                                                                their classrooms.             virtual field trips and
37-45. Retrieved from        workshops.                                                 were teaching in a                                                                                                     However, the study also       activities that engaged the
ERIC database.                                                                          professional development                                                                                               found that the teachers       students and offered them
                                                                                        school associated with the                                                                                             were able to create           a new perspective on the
                                                                                        College of Education at                                                                                                meaningful assignments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             curriculum. Additionally,
                                                                                        Indiana State University.                                                                                              when offered support
                                                                                                                                                                                                               through the workshops.        it offered even veteran
                                                                                        Each of the three                                                                                                                                    teachers a new and
                                                                                        workshops provided had a                                                                                                                             exciting way of
                                                                                        different number of                                                                                                                                  instructing the students.
Selwyn, N. & Husen, O.       The research is focused      - The proportion of school    1303 students from 3          Qualitative data gathered    None discussed.              The researchers identify       - 22.6% of students stated    The expectations that
(2010). The educational      on the perception of         students that see a           secondary schools in          through online surveys                                    one limitation being in the    that being good at using      technological competence
benefits of technological    secondary-students in        correlation between their     England – one from the                                                                  fact that the data was self-   technology helped people      is in direct relationship to
competence: An               regards to the correlation   technological competence      Greater London area and                                                                 reported by students. The      do well at school.            the academic success of
investigation of students’   between their academic       and their success in          two from Cambridge.                                                                     surveys did not collect
perceptions. Evaluation      success and their            school.                                                                                                               other data about their         - 53.1% of respondents        the student may not be an
& research in education,     technological                - The ways in which these     The ages ranged from                                                                    education, so it is hard to    stated that playing video     idea held by the actual
23(2), 137-141. Retrieved    competence.                  beliefs compare with their    11 – 16                                                                                 make connections.              games made children           student. While this belief
from ERIC database.                                       other beliefs of the use of                                                                                                                 aggressive.                   is popular in the media
                             This paper is a              technology.                   51.5% male; 48.5%                                                                                                                           and in educational circles,
                             highlighted version of a     - The ways in which the       female                                                                                                        - 32.7% agreed that           the students do not always
                             larger study –               beliefs about the                                                                                                                           screen media were more        see this relationship.
                             “Developing Media            educational value of          77.5% white; 8.6% mixed                                                                                       important than books
                             Literacy: Towards a          technological competence      race; 6.9% Asian; 5.5%
                             Model of Learning            is related to their           black; 1.5% Chinese                                                                                           - 28.2% stated that young
                             Progression.”                demographic and socio-                                                                                                                      people were better at
                                                          economic factors.             22.3% free and reduced                                                                                        using technology than
                                                                                        lunch                                                                                                         adults
Delfino, M. & Persico, D.     This article chronicles a   - The advantages and          Pre-service teachers being   Qualitative data gathered   Use and application of   This was the first          - The data shows gains in     There is a lot of online
(2007). Online or face-to-   5-year study of a course     disadvantages of face-to-     trained at 20                through surveys and         means and standard       experience that many        terms of technologies         training done with
face? Experimenting with     in educational technology.   face courses vs. online       Specialization Schools for   questionnaires.             deviations               students had with online    used from year 1 to year      inservice teachers in Italy.
different techniques in      The study seeks to           courses and various           Secondary Teaching                                                                learning.                   5.                            It only makes sense that
teacher training. Journal    identify the weaknesses of   combinations of the two       (SSIS) in Italy.                                                                                              i.e.: How often do you use    preservice teachers should
of computer assisted         face-to-face and online      methods.                                                                                                        The large number of         a computer? Year 1 (36%       also gain experience with
learning, 23, 351-365.       methods of training.                                       100 – 150 students per                                                            participants.               often), Year 5 (68%           online learning.
                                                          - The difficulties and        year in the EdTech                                                                                            often)                        Additionally, this type of
                                                          problems faced in the         course.                                                                                                       However, there was some       learning and education
                                                          implementation of these                                                                                                                     negative feedback             truly serves to educate
                                                          teaching styles.                                                                                                                            regarding the program -       preservice teachers on
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Willingness to repeat the     how they can effectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                      online experience: Year 2     use different technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                      – blended f2f and online –    in the classroom.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      78.6% definitely yes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      21.4% yes, provided           However, the researchers
                                                                                                                                                                                                      that… , 0% no.                acknowledge that further
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Year 5 – blended f2f and      studies and research are
                                                                                                                                                                                                      online – 52.8% definitely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    needed to better meet the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      yes, 38.9% yes, provided
                                                                                                                                                                                                      that … , 8.3% no.             advantages of online

Penuel, W., Boscardin,       This study investigated      - The purposes for which      584 elementary and           Qualitative data gathered   Utilized a categorical   There is no way to know     Data supported that the       Getting teachers to
C., Masyn, K., &             how the use of student       K-12 teachers use student     secondary educators.         through questionnaires.     exploratory factor       how representative this     teachers sought to use        change their beliefs about
Crawford, V. (2006).         response systems in          response system                                                                        analysis (EFA)           sample is of all teachers   student response systems      student guided instruction
Teaching with student        elementary and secondary     technologies.                 35.7% - elementary                                                                using student response      as a way to improve           can be tough. These types
response systems in          schools affected their       - The distinct “profiles of   school                                                   Kaiser rule              systems.                    learning and instruction, a   of studies can show
elementary and secondary     instruction.                 use” of response systems      29.7% - middle school                                                                                         way to assess learning,       teachers that using student
education settings: A                                     among teachers.               34.4% - high school                                      Means and standard       Most previous research is   and a way to improve          response as a way to
survey study. Association                                 - Whether or not profiles                                                              deviations               focused on higher           teacher efficiency.           guide the lesson can be
for educational                                           are associated with                                                                                             education, not K-12.                                      beneficial.
communications and                                        particular characteristics
technology, 55, 315-346.                                  of teachers.                                                                                                    This study does not allow
Retrieved from ERIC                                       - Whether or not                                                                                                for investigation of the
database.                                                 perceptions of the                                                                                              effect that the use of
                                                          response systems on                                                                                             student response systems
                                                          teaching and learning                                                                                           has on learning and
                                                          correlate with profiles of                                                                                      teaching.

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  • 1. Guidelines for Research Article Review Chart Reference Purpose Research Questions Participants Methods Data Analysis Limitations/ Results/ Implications Reliability/ Findings Validity Lee, K. (2009). The study sought to - The incorporation of 56 New Zealand year 7-8 The instructors were The focus of the data was None discussed - Responses made within Many college professors Technology lecturer investigate the integration technology into the (11-12 year old) students, given an initial the quality of response, the first few months were in the department of turned technology of technology education weekly schedule. 6 lecturers from a nearby questionnaire and follow not the quantity of more negative than the education are former teacher. International into the students’ weekly - The influence this college. up interviews to obtain responses. initial comments at the teachers; however, it may journal of teaching and schedule. The study immersion has on the viewpoints of the start of the investigation. be helpful to have them learning in higher focused on the instructors instructors. successes of the shadow teachers for a education, 20(2), 79-90. and their views of the integration courses. - After the first few while before they take on Retrieved from ERIC effectiveness of the months, positive classes of their own again. database. technology classes. comments became more This allows for the prevalent. professors to get “back into the swing of things” and evaluate the problems within the classroom that they are prone to experience. While implementing an instructor to teacher role, it’s important that the professors have an opportunity for support. Gray, L., Thomas, N., and This study sought to find The following topics were NCES identified 2,005 A national survey, The statements of “Adjustments for multiple The researchers provided Many differences were Lewis, L. (2010). out how many teachers addressed within the public elementary and conducted by the National comparisons made were comparisons were not the following findings found between low and Teachers’ use of are using technology in surveys: secondary schools in the Center for Education tested for statistical included in the data.” The (among others): high income schools in educational technology in their classrooms on a - Computers within the 50 states and the District Statistics (NCES), was significance at the 0.5 researchers also did not - 97% of teachers had at regards to the answers U.S. public schools: 2009. regular basis and what classroom and those of Columbia. These used at the individual, level using t-statistics. examine the relationships least one computer in the given. Therefore, the data National center for types of technology are available through mobile schools were asked to school, and district levels. between variables and classroom; 57% of supports that there are education statistics, available to teachers in labs. send sample lists of full- how this might affect the teachers could bring differences in terms of institute of education their schools. - Internet access for these time teachers. Of these The study focused on the data.” computers into the technological sciences, U.S. department computers. teachers, a sample group use of technology in the classroom. opportunities within low of education. Washington, - Availability and use of was selected and Spring/Winter 2009. - Internet access was and high income schools. DC. Retrieved from ERIC technology during questionnaires were sent available for 93% of the database. instructional time. to 4,133 teachers. The data was collected computers in the There were no - Availability and and analyzed using the classroom on a daily suggestions given in frequency of use of Fast Response Survey basis; 96% of the terms of future research. systems/programs on the System used by the computers that could be school/district network. NCES. brought into the - Availability of remote classroom had access to access for school/district the internet. programs. - Computers were used in - Types of software and the classroom during internet sites used in the instructional time: often classroom for preparation, (40%), sometimes (29%). instruction, and - These technologies were administrative work. used often: LCD/DLP - The frequency of projectors (72%); student use of technology interactive whiteboard during class. (57%), digital camera - Modes of technology (49%). used by teachers for - 97% of teachers had communication with remote access to email, parents. and 85% of these teachers
  • 2. - Amount and types of used the email often or training to use technology sometimes. Brunvand, S., Duran, M, The purpose of this study - The impact of a cohort The three-year project The data was a mixture of The pre/post test data was One limitation identified The study found that, Since pre-service teachers & Fossum, P. (2009). was to investigate “the on “technology literacy followed 17 student qualitative and analyzed using a paired- is the small number of through the cohort are required to take a Preparing science impact of a professional and technology teachers, 17cooperating quantitative findings – pre samples t-test. participants. The programs, the confidence technology integration teachers to teach with development program integration among student teachers, 5 university and post surveys were researchers state that this and competence in course, it’s important that technology: Exploring a where K-16 networked teachers, cooperating faculty, and 3 student used along with journal The qualitative data was program (42 participants) integrating technology these students are learning K-16 networked learning learning community teachers, education and teaching supervisors. entries, portfolios, and measured by separating it would be “characteristic increased. how to properly integrate community approach. The approach was content faculty, and observations. as: reading, describing, of what might be technology into the Turkish online journal of implemented to provide student teaching classifying considered a pilot for a There were no significant classroom in a realistic educational technology, training and support for supervisors in a science more extensive study.” increases in the setting. 8(4), 21-42. Retrieved technology integration in education program,” Another limitation is that familiarity and use of from ERIC database. science education.” - The patterns in the study focuses on “ordinary” computer “technology integrated volunteers who all have functions. projects designed by the an interest in using project participants.” technology in science. - The types of This is described as “professional something that “may not development activities be representative of [that] promote and/or science educators in influence participating general.” science educators’ Finally, the data had too professional development few in each subgroup to on technology integration be analyzed by in the classroom.” subgroups. Bebell, D. & Kay, R. A program was piloted The study focused on: Five public and private After completion of the Factor analysis was An identified limitation is For the schools in the In addition to the (2010). One to one that provides a 1:1 ratio of - The trends in schools’ middle schools in pilot study, the students’ applied across the student the use of the MCAS as a pilot program, teachers students’ increase in computing: A Summary technology to student overall performance on Massachusetts were MCAS scores were survey items. measurement tool. The and students reported an motivation, etc, the of the quantitative results across five public and the Massachusetts selected for participation. compared to those in the researchers utilized a increase in use of teachers also experienced from the berkshire private middle schools in standardized test (MCAS) Two schools were comparison schools. computer writing survey technology. This led to an wireless learning Massachusetts. The study as “compared to selected as comparison as an alternative increase in student a change in their teaching initiative. Journal of focused on how teaching comparison schools and schools. In addition to this measurement. motivation and styles and strategies used technology, and learning is affected state trends.” quantitative data, engagement. within the classroom. As learning, and assessment, when students and - The components of the The study does not qualitative data was more technology is 9(2). Retrieved from teachers are provided with students’ technology uses specify how the schools collected in the form of integrated into the ERIC database. laptops and wireless in school or at home that were selected. teacher surveys, teacher classrooms, it is important internet. are related to the interviews, student that teachers evaluate performance on the surveys, student MCAS. drawings, and classroom their methods of teaching. observations. Shapley, K.S., Sheehan, A program was piloted in - The implementation Middle schools in Texas Teachers and students 5-point scales were used Not discussed The average level of One of the largest waves D., Maloney, C., & which each student at level of the Technology applied to become a Total were surveyed at the end for the student and support for Technology across the USA is the use Caranikas-Walker, F. high-need middle schools Immersion program. Immersion school. In of each school year over teacher surveys. Immersion and teachers’ of technology in the (2010). Evaluating was provided with a - The correlation between applying, they had to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year of Classroom Immersion classroom as a strategy the implementation laptop and appropriate strength of meet certain criteria in implementation. Measures of internal increased slightly, but the fidelity of technology wireless internet implementation and the order to receive the consistency were used, as level of Student Access for teaching and learning. immersion and its technologies. The study students’ reading and federal funding – low TAKS scores were used well as Alpha scale and Use declined slightly. Various technological relationship with focused on the teaching math test scores (TAKS). income, schools identified to assess knowledge. reliabilities. Teacher level companies – Apple, Dell, student achievement. and student achievement as needs improvement, implementation etc. – have created Journal of technology, and learning. and needs for technology. components were programs attempting to learning, and assessment, Final selection took inconsistent. tap into this niche in the 9(4). Retrieved from several factors into classroom. This study ERIC database. consideration – rating of their proposal, size, shows that merely location, diversity, and implementing technology academic achievement. In does not equate to higher addition, the need for a test scores and positive variety of geographical
  • 3. locations within the state results. and the availability of comparable schools played into the selection. 21 middle schools from across Texas were chosen. There was a variety of rural, urban, and suburban within this group of schools. 2/3 of the schools were in small or very small districts (2,999 or less students), while 1/3 of the schools were in large districts (more than 10,000 students). Means, B. (2010). This study sought - Classroom-level and The article states that Classroom observations The information gained Not discussed. There was a relationship An implication discussed Technology and correlations between school-level practices that schools which had were used – both in through the observations between student gains and in the study was the fact education change: Focus reading/math software in are associated with higher implemented reading and utilization of the software and interviews were when they began utilizing that teachers “should be on student learning. the classroom with achievement gains in math software were and with the teacher coded. the software. When the urged to capitalize on the Journal of research on student learning gains. classrooms using reading targeted. The specific providing instruction. use of software was assessment data that technology in education, or math software. schools and methods for started earlier in the year, instructional software 42(3), 285-307. Retrieved selecting those schools Phone-interviews were the students saw more makes available.” from ERIC database. were not discussed. conducted. gains. Additionally, training and support cannot neglect classroom management. Suhr, K.A., Hernandez, The study seeks to - The difference in total This study took place in a CST scores as third grade CST scores were analyzed The variables among the There was a high level of There was a positive D.A., Grimes, D., & determine whether or not ELA score on the suburban school system in students and again as fifth using: ANOVA, students – SES, parents, engagement among the effect in the use of the Warschauer, M. (2010). a program in which each California Standards Test southern California with grade students. MANOVA, and multiple etc. Since SES students in the laptop laptop, but not after the Laptops and fourth-grade student has a laptop (CST) in a student from around 14,000 K-8 regressions information was not classrooms. first year. Given a new literacy: Assisting the computer leads to gains third to fifth grades students. Teacher and student provided, the students’ jump over the fourth- indicative of the high cost between laptop and non- surveys, teacher SES was estimated based The non-laptop group technology, it is important grade slump. Journal of of implementation. laptop groups. Two elementary schools interviews, classroom on the education level of experienced a slump in to give the program time technology, learning, and - The difference in subtest were selected for the observations, and teacher the parents. their fifth grade scores. to work – account for assessment, 9(5), scores. laptop program. and student artifacts. learning curves, etc. Retrieved from ERIC - Participation in the database. laptop program as a predictor in student scores. Weston, M. & Bain, A. This study seeks to - The type of classroom This study reviews other Analysis of data and Not relevant to this Not discussed. The belief that These types of programs (2010). The end of analyze the multitude of that needs to exist in order studies done with 1:1 reviews of 1:1 laptop discussion. “educationally beneficial should not be seen as “fix techno-critique: The studies focusing on 1:1 for 1:1 laptop initiatives initiatives. initiative programs uses of computers will alls” because they’re new. naked truth about 1:1 laptop initiatives and the to be successful. nationwide. emerge spontaneously Merely incorporating laptop initiatives and criticisms about the from … laptop educational change. programs. computers” is flawed. laptops into the classroom Journal of technology, does not equate higher learning, and assessment, test scores, more than any 9(6). Retrieved from other new strategy does. It ERIC database. is important that, along with the new strategy, proper implementation and teaching is being
  • 4. done. Admiraal, W., Dam, G., The study analyzes - The relationship 81 9th grade students (ages 2 observations in each The researches coded the Small number of Both genders expressed Integration of technology & Heemskerk, I. (2009) whether “learning between using 14-15) in four schools. class. design of the tools. participants. positive feedback in is important for both male Gender inclusiveness in supported by computers” educational tools in the The schools are in two regards to the benefits of and female students. The educational technology is equally beneficial to classroom and different large cities and a small Interviews of teacher- Transcriptions of May not be representative technology usage in the performance of girls when and learning experiences both genders. learning experiences of town in the Netherlands. selected students (2 girls interviews into verbal of all students based on classroom, although they of girls and boys. Journal boys and girls. and 2 boys in each class). protocols and analysis of the fact that they are at targeted different aspects. using the technology of research on technology Schools were selected the interviews using code- schools which already use seemed to really increase in education, 41(3), because of their excellent and-retrieve software. technology. when their interests were 253-276. Retrieved from use of technology in the targeted. ERIC database. classroom. Adeeb, M. & Hussain, I. The study examines - The role of mobile 83 PhD scholars and 10 Surveys (Likert scales) Data collected was Though none were The findings supported With the use of mobile (2009). Role of mobile whether or not having technology in higher faculty members of the administered of both analyzed through discussed, the PhD that mobile technology is technologies being technology in promoting mobile technology education. Department of Education students and faculty applying the mean scores. students may not be appropriate for research prevalent among students campus-wide learning opportunities creates a - The current ways that at International Islamic members. representative of all and education throughout and faculty members, it environment. The turkish campus-wide learning mobile technology is University, Islamabad` students at the university. campus. online journal of environment. used. only makes sense that educational technology, - Students’ problems with It also was found to these types of technology 8(3), 48-56. Retrieved using mobile technology. promote effective should also be used in an from ERIC database. - Appropriate use of interaction among faculty educational setting. mobile technology in and students. higher education Karaman, S. & Celik, S. The study is investigating - The gains of prospective 29 of the 32 prospective Qualitative data gathered The data was broken None discussed. The findings indicated Rather than merely (2007). An exploratory perceptions about a teachers who participated computer teachers through surveys down and categorized that the students felt that learning the skills needed study on the perspectives course that was taught in the PBL course. enrolled in a specific before being analyzed. they were more engaged in order to do technical of prospective computer utilizing a project-based - The challenges computer course during in the learning and computer work, this type teachers following learning (PBL) approach. experienced. the 2004-2005 school A double blind analysis developed lifelong skills project-based learning. - The suggestions from year at Ataturk University was performed. that they would take with of learning allows for Springer science + the students to overcome in Turkey. them from the classroom. more engaged and deeper business media. Retrieved any challenges learning by the students. from ERIC database. Shriner, M., Clark, D., The study hoped to - The reasons that social Students (teachers) in a Qualitative data gathered Data was subjected to None discussed. The data collected The technological Nail. M., & Schlee, B., determine how teachers’ studies teachers seem to summer teacher academy through pre- and post- paired t-test analyses. through the research experiences of teachers Libler, R. (2010). Social perceptions of and self- be shying away from in Indiana. The workshop surveys. conducted supported the during the workshops studies instruction: esteem about the use of technology more than workshops were open to use of the workshops as a directly corresponded to Changing teacher content-specific teachers of other contents. teachers of all grades and way of instructing confidence in classroom technology were affected content areas. teachers on how to their classrooms. They enhanced technology. The through the completion of integrate technology into were able to implement Social Studies, 101, three technology All of the participants their classrooms. virtual field trips and 37-45. Retrieved from workshops. were teaching in a However, the study also activities that engaged the ERIC database. professional development found that the teachers students and offered them school associated with the were able to create a new perspective on the College of Education at meaningful assignments curriculum. Additionally, Indiana State University. when offered support through the workshops. it offered even veteran Each of the three teachers a new and workshops provided had a exciting way of different number of instructing the students. participants. Selwyn, N. & Husen, O. The research is focused - The proportion of school 1303 students from 3 Qualitative data gathered None discussed. The researchers identify - 22.6% of students stated The expectations that (2010). The educational on the perception of students that see a secondary schools in through online surveys one limitation being in the that being good at using technological competence benefits of technological secondary-students in correlation between their England – one from the fact that the data was self- technology helped people is in direct relationship to competence: An regards to the correlation technological competence Greater London area and reported by students. The do well at school. the academic success of investigation of students’ between their academic and their success in two from Cambridge. surveys did not collect perceptions. Evaluation success and their school. other data about their - 53.1% of respondents the student may not be an & research in education, technological - The ways in which these The ages ranged from education, so it is hard to stated that playing video idea held by the actual 23(2), 137-141. Retrieved competence. beliefs compare with their 11 – 16 make connections. games made children student. While this belief
  • 5. from ERIC database. other beliefs of the use of aggressive. is popular in the media This paper is a technology. 51.5% male; 48.5% and in educational circles, highlighted version of a - The ways in which the female - 32.7% agreed that the students do not always larger study – beliefs about the screen media were more see this relationship. “Developing Media educational value of 77.5% white; 8.6% mixed important than books Literacy: Towards a technological competence race; 6.9% Asian; 5.5% Model of Learning is related to their black; 1.5% Chinese - 28.2% stated that young Progression.” demographic and socio- people were better at economic factors. 22.3% free and reduced using technology than lunch adults Delfino, M. & Persico, D. This article chronicles a - The advantages and Pre-service teachers being Qualitative data gathered Use and application of This was the first - The data shows gains in There is a lot of online (2007). Online or face-to- 5-year study of a course disadvantages of face-to- trained at 20 through surveys and means and standard experience that many terms of technologies training done with face? Experimenting with in educational technology. face courses vs. online Specialization Schools for questionnaires. deviations students had with online used from year 1 to year inservice teachers in Italy. different techniques in The study seeks to courses and various Secondary Teaching learning. 5. It only makes sense that teacher training. Journal identify the weaknesses of combinations of the two (SSIS) in Italy. i.e.: How often do you use preservice teachers should of computer assisted face-to-face and online methods. The large number of a computer? Year 1 (36% also gain experience with learning, 23, 351-365. methods of training. 100 – 150 students per participants. often), Year 5 (68% online learning. - The difficulties and year in the EdTech often) Additionally, this type of problems faced in the course. However, there was some learning and education implementation of these negative feedback truly serves to educate teaching styles. regarding the program - preservice teachers on Willingness to repeat the how they can effectively online experience: Year 2 use different technologies – blended f2f and online – in the classroom. 78.6% definitely yes, 21.4% yes, provided However, the researchers that… , 0% no. acknowledge that further Year 5 – blended f2f and studies and research are online – 52.8% definitely needed to better meet the yes, 38.9% yes, provided that … , 8.3% no. advantages of online training. Penuel, W., Boscardin, This study investigated - The purposes for which 584 elementary and Qualitative data gathered Utilized a categorical There is no way to know Data supported that the Getting teachers to C., Masyn, K., & how the use of student K-12 teachers use student secondary educators. through questionnaires. exploratory factor how representative this teachers sought to use change their beliefs about Crawford, V. (2006). response systems in response system analysis (EFA) sample is of all teachers student response systems student guided instruction Teaching with student elementary and secondary technologies. 35.7% - elementary using student response as a way to improve can be tough. These types response systems in schools affected their - The distinct “profiles of school Kaiser rule systems. learning and instruction, a of studies can show elementary and secondary instruction. use” of response systems 29.7% - middle school way to assess learning, teachers that using student education settings: A among teachers. 34.4% - high school Means and standard Most previous research is and a way to improve response as a way to survey study. Association - Whether or not profiles deviations focused on higher teacher efficiency. guide the lesson can be for educational are associated with education, not K-12. beneficial. communications and particular characteristics technology, 55, 315-346. of teachers. This study does not allow Retrieved from ERIC - Whether or not for investigation of the database. perceptions of the effect that the use of response systems on student response systems teaching and learning has on learning and correlate with profiles of teaching. use.